var lang = "en"; var res = {}; res["aboutSurveyManager"] = "About this SurveyManager release"; res["actionSuccess"] = "Success"; res["addAttachment"] = "Attach a file"; res["admin"] = "Admin"; res["admingroupAssignments"] = "Group admin assignment"; res["allDataLost"] = "This will delete all entered data."; res["assignmentClickForPositionInTree"] = "Click to show position in tree"; res["assignmentRemove"] = "Remove assignment"; res["assignmentSingleExistsWarning"] = "Only one element can be assigned - remove existing assignment first..."; res["assignmentSingleMultipleWarning"] = "Only one element can be assigned - please select exactly one element..."; res["attachTemplates"] = "Attach template"; res["automaticLogoutMins"] = "Automatic logout in {0} minutes..."; res["automaticLogout_title"] = "Automatic logout"; res["automaticLogout_warning"] = "Attention!

Your session is going to end in {0} minutes due to inactivity. "; res["calendar"] = "Calendar"; res["cancel"] = "Cancel"; res["change"] = "Change"; res["changePassword"] = "Change password"; res["chooseAllRespReset"] = "Choose all resp. reset"; res["chooseFile"] = "Choose file..."; res["chooseFiles"] = "Choose file(s)..."; res["clickForVersionInfo"] = "Click here for further information on this release"; res["clickInfobutton"] = "Click the info button for further information..."; res["close"] = "Close"; res["confirmDelete"] = "Really delete {0} »{1}«?"; res["cookieNotification"] = "You have to allow cookies in your browser to use this application."; res["copy"] = "Copy"; res["create"] = "Create"; res["createLink"] = "Create link"; res["createNewForm"] = "Create new form"; res["createNewReport"] = "Create new report"; res["createSurveyFromForm"] = "Create a survey for this form"; res["delete"] = "Delete"; res["deleteForm"] = "Delete form"; res["deleteFormDialog"] = "Really delete form {0} ? All data and surveys will be lost..."; res["deleteFormNotPossible"] = "Forms with surveys cannot be deleted"; res["deleteQuestion"] = "Delete?"; res["details"] = "Details"; res["dialog_unsavedChanges"] = "You have unsaved changes. Do you really want to leave the page?"; res["download"] = "Download"; res["edit"] = "Edit"; res["email"] = "E-Mail"; res["endSession"] = "End session"; res["enterValidCredentials"] = "Please enter a valid user name/email and a correct password:"; res["evaluate"] = "Evaluate"; res["evaluate_help"] = "Choose between predefined reports and free evaluation."; res["existingAttachments1multi"] = "The following files are already attached to this element:"; res["existingAttachments1single"] = "The following file is already attached to this element:"; res["existingAttachments2"] = "Attach another file:"; res["forgottenPW"] = "Forgot password?"; res["forgottenPWInfo1"] = "Please enter the e-mail address associated with your account, then click »Send«."; res["forgottenPWInfo2"] = "We'll send you a link for the re-creation a your password."; res["forgottenPWMsg"] = "The email address is not registered."; res["forgottenPWSendMail"] = "We have send an email to your mailbox.
Please follow the instructions there.
You can close this window now."; res["forgottenPWTitle"] = "Set a new password"; res["formRename"] = "Rename form"; res["fullscreenOff_tip"] = "Bearbeitungsfenster vergrössern"; res["fullscreenOn_tip"] = "Normale Ansicht"; res["help"] = "Help"; res["homePage"] = "Start page"; res["imprint"] = "Imprint & Privacy"; res["insertWidget"] = "Insert widget"; res["internalName"] = "Internal name"; res["language"] = "Language"; res["logIn"] = "Log in"; res["logInOrRegister"] = "Log in or register to save your work"; res["loginFailed"] = "Login failed"; res["loginNotPossible"] = "Login not possible using these credentials!"; res["loginViaExtAuth"] = "Please log in again via »{0}«..."; res["logout"] = "Logout"; res["maintenanceHeader"] = "Application not available."; res["maintenance_message"] = "Sorry!

There are ongoing maintenance activities for this application.

Please try again later..."; res["message"] = "Message"; res["modules"] = "Modules"; res["move"] = "Move"; res["name"] = "Name"; res["navigation"] = "Navigation"; res["newAttachment"] = "You may attach a file to this element."; res["newLogin"] = "New login"; res["newName"] = "New name"; res["newObject"] = "New object"; res["newPassword"] = "New password"; res["noAssignment"] = "no assignment"; res["noMoreRowsPossible"] = "Maximum number reached - no more rows can be added."; res["noPasswordMatch"] = "The values for the password don't match!"; res["noResultsFor"] = "No entries for "; res["noteError"] = "Ooops, an error!"; res["ok"] = "OK"; res["oldPassword"] = "Old password"; res["password"] = "Password"; res["passwordMustNotBeEmpty"] = "The new password must not be empty."; res["passwordsDontMatch"] = "Passwords don't match!"; res["permissions"] = "Permissions"; res["pleaseEnterCredentials"] = "Please enter your credentials:"; res["pleaseEnterName"] = "Please enter a name first..."; res["pleaseEnterValidEmail"] = "Please enter a valid email address!"; res["poweredBy"] = "powered by"; res["publicationDetails"] = "Survey details"; res["publicationNew"] = "Create a new survey"; res["register"] = "Register"; res["relogin"] = "Log in again"; res["removeFile"] = "Remove file"; res["rename"] = "Rename"; res["repeatPassword"] = "Repeat password"; res["repetition"] = "repeat"; res["revert"] = "Revert"; res["save"] = "Save"; res["send"] = "Send"; res["sessionEndDueToInactivity"] = "Your session has been ended due to inactivity."; res["sessionHasBeenEnded"] = "Your session has been ended."; res["surveyNotActiveAnymore"] = "Survey is not active any more"; res["toggleHelp"] = "Toggle help"; res["translate"] = "Translate"; res["unknownError"] = "Unknown error"; res["uploadCompleted"] = "Upload successful"; res["uploadXML"] = "Upload XML"; res["uploadXMLText"] = "Upload an XML file in the defined format."; res["userProfile"] = "User profile"; res["validFrom"] = "Valid from"; res["validatorHintAssignmentMandatory"] = "An assignment needs to be made."; res["validatorHintRadio"] = "One or more mandatory fields need to be filled..."; res["validatorMessageEmail"] = "Please enter a valid e-mail address"; res["validatorMessageForceMonth"] = "Please enter only data for month {0}/{1} !"; res["validatorMessageForceYear"] = "Please enter only data for year {0} !"; res["validatorMessageMandatory"] = "This field is mandatory"; res["validatorMessageMax"] = "Maximal value is {0}"; res["validatorMessageMaxNotNumeric"] = "Numeric value smaller or equal {0} "; res["validatorMessageMin"] = "Minimal value is {0}"; res["validatorMessageMinMax"] = "Value needed between {0} and {1}"; res["validatorMessageMinMaxNotNumeric"] = "Numeric value between {0} and {1} needed..."; res["validatorMessageMinNotNumeric"] = "Numeric value greater or equal {0} "; res["validatorMessageNoMatch"] = "Value does not match"; res["validatorMessageNumeric"] = "Please enter numerical values."; res["validatorMessageResult"] = "This form has an invalid or missing input "; res["validatorMessageResultSign"] = "please check the marked entries!"; res["validatorMessageWarnDateFormat"] = "Please provide the date as follows:
DD.MM.YYYY "; res["version"] = "Version"; res["warning"] = "Warning..."; res["wrongCredentials"] = "Invalid credentials..."; res["loginHeader"] = "Welcome!"; res["loginHeaderAdmin"] = "Welcome to the UserManager!"; res["loginHeaderData"] = "Welcome to the DataManager!"; res["loginHeaderEnergy"] = "Welcome to the EnergyManager!"; res["loginHeaderSurvey"] = "Welcome to the SurveyManager!"; res["noSurveyFound"] = "No survey found..."; res["somethingWrongWithLink"] = "Probably there's something wrong with your link..."; res["somethingWrongWithLink_info"] = "Expecting a survey here?
There is no survey behind your link - please check, if you entered (or pasted) a complete link into your browser's address bar.

In case of any doubts please contact the sender of your survey link."; res["surveyExpired"] = "The chosen survey is not active anymore."; res["surveyExpired_info"] = "This survey has reached its expiry data or was deactivated by its publisher.

In case of any doubts please contact the sender of your survey link."; res["surveyExpired_title"] = "Survey expired...";